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Seharian menghabiskan waktu di Kota Chengdu

Chengdu, China (ANTARA) – Even though Chengdu Panda Base is a must-visit tourist destination in Chengdu, the city has several other interesting places that can be easily and affordably visited.

The capital of Sichuan province is the fourth most populous city in China, rich with a blend of modern and traditional life. It’s not surprising to find ancient relics dating back thousands of years behind the towering buildings that dominate the skyline.

Here are some recommendations for places to visit in Chengdu from morning to night.

**Daci Temple**

In the middle of the modern Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li Chengdu complex stands the imposing Daci Temple – which means “Unlimited Temple of Forgiveness and Compassion”.

Daci Temple is known to have been built since the third century or during the Wei and Jin Dynasties. The temple has been maintained and used from era to era, from the Tang Dynasty, Song Dynasty, Ming Dynasty, Qing Dynasty, to modern times.

Upon entering the ancient Buddha temple, your senses will be stimulated by the scent of incense, flickering candles, and soothing chants from the faithful followers of the gods worshipped here.

The ancient architecture that envelops Daci Temple adds to the insight and experience that is so new, becoming a “pause”, considering the modern buildings and bustling urban crowds surrounding the temple.


After exploring Daci Temple, visitors can see various shopping centers and stores from world-famous brands in downtown Chengdu.

Walking a little further into the center, you will find people lining up to take photos with the giant panda who seems to be trying to climb the famous shopping center in Chengdu, IFS.

Tourists love to take pictures with the panda’s “backside”, which has become a mandatory photo if they visit Chengdu.

IFS itself is a building that integrates shopping, dining, business, entertainment, residential, and arts experiences.

This flagship shopping arena covers an area of 210,000 square meters and includes six levels and two basement levels.

**Tianfu Square**

If you want to continue your city tour, get off at Tianfu Metro Station to visit Tianfu Square, which is vast and offers many interesting sightseeing options.

Located above the metro station, as soon as you face north, you will see a statue of the famous figure in China, Mao Zedong, standing proudly in front of the Sichuan Science and Technology Museum.

Then, if you look to the west, you will find the Chengdu Museum, which preserves the history of the city and is presented in a modern way.

Like most city squares, Tianfu Square is a favorite hangout spot for the locals, where you can also find various street food stalls and tea shops to try.

**Huangcheng Chengdu Mosque**

In the Tianfu Square area, behind the Chengdu Museum, you will find the Huangcheng Chengdu Mosque, which literally means the “Mosque in the Imperial City Wall of Chengdu”. It is the largest mosque in Sichuan Province.

The mosque was originally built in the 16th century and was first rebuilt in 1858. However, in 1917, the building was severely damaged due to war and has been maintained since 1998.

The mosque was built with a combination of Arab, Ming, and Qing architectural styles. It consists of entrance gates, gateways, bathrooms, libraries, and main prayer rooms that visitors can explore.

The library contains Islamic books written in Arabic and Chinese.

Visitors can easily worship here, as the spacious prayer room is located on the second and third floors.

Near the Huangcheng Chengdu Mosque area, Muslim tourists can also find various affordable and halal culinary options managed by the local Muslim community.

**Tiexiang Temple Riverfront**

If you are looking for a place that offers modern and traditional cuisine, cafes and bars, and shopping centers in the midst of historical buildings in Chengdu, Tiexiang Temple Riverfront is one of the solutions.

Here, you will find several historical spots like the Tiexiang Temple, Huilan Tower, Longdi Pond, and Boat House. The ancient architecture is a draw for young visitors who want to spend time sipping their boba milk tea and recalling heritage stories from year to year.

In addition to offering aesthetic views and modern culinary options, Tiexiang Temple Waterfront also offers an art entertainment show called Sichuan Opera, which is a form of ancient comedic drama involving dance, singing, poetry, and pantomime.

One of the characteristics of Sichuan theater performances is the use of face-changing masks and “fire breathing”, which is both spectacular and mesmerizing for the audience.

**Light Shows and Shopping Attractions**

As the day turns into night, it’s worth enjoying the beautiful views of Chengdu. One of the popular night tour destinations in the city is to watch the light show at the IFC Twin Towers.

There is a special bridge across from the IFC Twin Towers dedicated for visitors to take photos and enjoy the dazzling lights in the midst of the metropolis.

With Chengdu also known for its various shopping centers, it’s incomplete without a visit to the Global Centre, the largest building in the world (measured by floor area).

Not only does Global Centre house popular stores to visit, but it also has a water park inside.

When the night has turned on the lights, visitors can enjoy the scenic views of Chengdu, with shopping and food options galore.

[Credit: ANTARA 2024]

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